Promosi Mixtape Hip-hop/Rap Pertama (Akan Datang)

dah lama tak update blog tiba2 muncul pula. kalau bukan sebab nak promosikan muzik sendiri memang aku tak buka blog ni. so insyaallah dlm tahun ni aku akan release satu mixtape. mixtape dgn demo tape tu samalah. mixtape hip-hop/rap nusantara ni mengandungi lebih kurang 5 lagu. so sekarang aku nak korang enjoy dulu instrumental//beat aku ni sebelum full songs dan full mixtape release. terima kasih :D


Eid Mubarak Simple Greet Card

so for this Raya or Eid Mubarak, i decided to designed my own greet card and its copyrighted. ive choose to make it as simple as possible and im only play around with typography or text. im also used trash paper to create the texture of a card. the color was green because in Malaysia, green is synonym with Raya and i think its because of the Ketupat or Lemang (special dish served during raya). white gradient used to highlighted the text. 

Creative Composition: Diorama

so these are the photos that i had captured as an assignment by lecturer, Che Mad Azhar (local Street Photographer) and approved by him without any rejection and a few consultations (
i did it once). so enjoy!! :D


'Shape and Pattern'

'Leading Line'


'Foreground Frame'

Tasha Shilla with Eid Collection :La Dolce Von Teese by Hatta Dolmat


Neelofa, Tasha Shilla dan Ramona Mewarnai Laman Sosial Ku

lepas dah siap, aku masih tak puas hati, mungkin benda ni tak kekal lama sebab aku ada byk idea nk enhanced FB cover aku ni. lpas siap baru sedar aku lupa pasal Anzalna Nasir~ :p
so korg tau kan yg aku ni minat gila2 kt Neelofa, Ramona and of course my crush/beautiful nightmare... Tasha Shilla. bila aku tgk bdk2 college aku design dorg pnya cover photos for Facebook Timeline, pnya lah cantik design dorg. lpas tu aku ada perasan satu FB cover ni yg menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang peminat Anuar Zain. kt FB cover tu dia letak gambar dia seblah Anuar Zain. and aku ada nmpk some of my friends yg letak details kt FB cover dorg mcm dorg pnya jobs, websites dan segala2nya kt FB cover dorg. so aku pun created satu FB cover khas bkn hanya utk Timeline aku malah utk blog ini jugak!! so inilah hasilnya, korg nilailah sendiri~

Bila Kay Khairil Berkaraoke

so aku tau most of the students kt Malaysia nih, kalau korg tanya apa antara aktiviti dorg kalau tgh free kt college. antara jawapan dorg ialah... berkaraoke. well since aku tak pernah karaoke, so bila masuk jerr college nih aku dah mula terjebak dgn gejala separuh senonoh ni. aku jarang nyanyi lagu rock kapak/dangdut/lagu melayu yg out of nowhere nih. sometimes aku nyanyi ikut member2 aku pnya demand. yg tak bestnya, kalau karoke asyik aku jerr yg pegang mic, member2 aku demand lagu yg xpernah nyanyi/dgr, nk suruh member2 aku nyanyi pandai pulak dorg malu tp ada hati nk karaoke!! ngehehehe just kidding!! so ni antara lagu2 yg aku suka nyanyi/layan. dgr kan lahhhh.....


Street Photography = Picturegasm!!!

so dalam dunia fotografi sebenarnya ada pelbagai cabang2 dia. ada macro photography, landscape photography, wedding, portrait dan skrg aku sedang berjinak2 dgn street photography. kebiasaannya tempat shooting can be everywhere, anytime. tapi bukan dlm kawasan public toilet ataupun shopping complex or else kalau shopping complex tu ada view cantik mcm water fountain atau taman bunga, its okay lah. so ini antara 'jenayah' yang aku dah buat. aku selalu gerak dgn team. pergi sorg2 tak syok. pergi dgn team dalam 3-4 orang baru best sbb boleh share gambar and then compete yang mana paling Da' Vast!! so this is it, check it out: